„Secret Song“ (Collage of the Day)
Roos van der Kamp, 2015
Roos van der Kamp
„In the past 10 years I have worked in art, design, fashion, film and events. As all over the place as that may seem, to me the field of work is simply subordinate to the creative process itself. Especially in my personal projects I seldom choose to walk a road I have already walked. I like surprising myself and others.“
Art Project: The Collage of the Day
„The Collage of the Day came into being at a creative retreat in Yosemite. Being encouraged to intuitively visualize our dreams, I found myself creating these surreal collages. Every time I was intrigued to find pieces that felt like they were ‚meant to be‘, so I’ve been making them ever since. I love how they don’t take anything else than paper, glue and scissors.“
- Show Cone (2015)
- Apple Crash (2015)
- The Sea Shell Swingband (2015)
- Auric Embrace (2015)
- Diamond Tears (2015)
- The All-seeing Oystertree (2015)
book (in the making)
Roos van der Kamp latest project is „Angelus“, a book on yoga & creativity.
„In yoga, we learn about the ancient science of the chakras. They are immensely powerful tools to bring more light into your life. Angelus is a yoga & creativity workbook that helps you master these seven energy centers that are located along the spine. In 7 chakra based chapters, you will find 21 detailed yoga sequences, punctuated with evocative storytelling and insightful creative exercises. All is illustrated with surrealistic art that helps you intuitively relate to the essence of each chakra.
On this book I work with Erica Jago, a well-known yoga teacher that is responsible for the content and the graphic design of the book. My role includes everything visual. I design the concepts for the shoot, make the outfits and props, do the styling and direct the photographer (Sanja Marusic).“